- SmartCoat, surface coating Products Nano-titanium dioxide-free, scentless, disease-free access to all pathogens. Protect all surfaces It is also healthy and environmentally friendly.
- SmartCoat, sustainable technologies for therapy and disinfection in the Air for the future the world’s smallest nanoparticle titanium dioxide and the most nimble reaction to any light.
KANZEN SmartCoat
Property of Nano Titanium dioxide
Archidex 2015 New Product Award.
The 17th International Interior Design & Building Exhibition Malaysia

August 2015, SmartCoat participated in ARCHIDEX 2015, one of the
Malaysia Largest Interior Design and Construction Exhibition. Another
milestone achieved, by winning the ARCHIDEX’15 New Product Award
has given us the recognition of the success and proven efforts in
researching and developing this technology.